Mum PahPea, Family and Friends!
Why hello!!! So again, I've heard so much of Uncle Bob's baptism and how incredible it was and I am so happy to hear that!!!! I was praying that all would go well and the Spirit would be strong, so I am glad to hear that it did! :) This week as been wonderful in the service of our Lord, so many miracles and excitement about the area! We're preparing for this busy week, as today is our preparation day, tomorrow is MLC (Mission Leadership Council), Wednesday is Zone Conference and a shortened Zone training on the same day, Thursday is weekly planning, and then 2 back to back exchanges on Friday and Saturday, and then Church on Sunday with appointments taking up every evening! WOOH! crazy busy week and so excited for it!!! :) Hope you are too!! :)
let's jump into.....QUESTION TIME!!
1. What were you doing on Saturday at 6pm (3pm in Elko, Uncle Bob's baptism time)?
We were just heading out the door to an appointment after having our dinner. I thought he got baptized in the morning so as we walked in the neighborhoods in the morning, we sang "I know when I am baptized" :) Just for you, Uncle Bob!! ps. LOVE the pictures!! You look so happy, and for good reason, eh? :) I love you, congratulations again on being baptized, confirmed AND receiving the priesthood!! You truly are a powerhouse and will do great things for God in His Church! :) Love you!
2. How high did the temperature get this week?
7*!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS IT FELT SOOOO GOOD!!! I mean, it was still pretty cold because of the Ontario windchill, but it was in the positives!!! We were pretty excited when we got in the car, to say the least! :)
3. Where did you go on splits, and with whom?
actually we didn't have any exchanges this week because the sisters we were going to go with have a huge bed bug problem, so in order to keep it from getting spread even more throughout the mission by us going with the other sisters, we moved their exchange to next week. Please keep them in your prayers, bed bugs are a nasty thing up here! haha
4. What time is Joe's baptism scheduled for on Saturday?
Well actually with guidance from the Lord, we moved his baptism to the 8th, so next Saturday. It'll be planned for around 12:30, so just after English class that is taught by our fellow missionaries :) We're SOOO excited!!! :) and So is he!!! :)
5. Are the ward members supportive of baptisms (meaning, do they come)?
I don't know, I haven't been to a baptism here yet! But I've heard that a lot of people attend, the ward here in Mississauga is SOOO supportive of these wonderful individuals that we are teaching! They fellowship all, truly are Christlike members! :)
6. Are Victor and Anna Paula continuing to progress? How is she feeling?
They aren't truly progressing in the Gospel at the moment but she is feeling much better! She is gaining more and more strength each day and members continue to be there for them and help them be comforted through this hard time. They are so sweet and I am sure are very grateful for your prayers on her behalf! Thank you so much!
7. What about Khaleel?
He's doing well! Wasn't able to come to church yesterday though, and haven't been able to contact him today so more update will come next week :)
8. Anyone else I'm forgetting to ask about (or that you haven't told me about yet)?
So, awesome story of how God guides us to where he needs us to be...about 3 weeks ago, we knocked on a door, #811, and a man named Zach was on the phone but told us to come back another day. we weren't in the area until a week later where we prayed before leaving our car and then opened our eyes to see a man crossing the street and a gentle whisper from the Spirit telling us to go talk with him. So we jumped out of the car and met him across the street. His name was Reza and he told us we could come by another time to meet him and his wife Cathy. We got his information and went off to our appointment. after the appointment, we went towards the elevator where Reza and Cathy came out of their door, #811, with their laundry. Realizing they and Zach live in the same building, I'm starting to realize that God really needs us to teach these people. So upon their invitation, we went up with them to the laundry room in the apartment building and taught them about the Restoration of the Gospel and they invited us back again to meet them and their 11 yr old son Bradley. When we arrived for our appt, Reza and Cathy said they were no longer interested but that we could share our message with Bradley and he could choose for himself. well, ok! So we taught him and he wants to get baptized in March!! :) He has such a submissive heart and desire to find God's true Church. He said he's gone to a few different churches and doesn't really feel the Spirit all that much, but he wants to. He's such a prepared 11 yr old!! His parents are very willing to allow him to learn and come to church with us, so we're excited to have him come this Sunday! God truly does know which of His children are ready for the restored Gospel, and in this case, it's an adorable 11 yr old! :) How grateful I am for the guidance of the Spirit, He's SOO great! :)
9. I'd have to say that the highlight of my week was....
teaching Bradley as well as seeing Joe when we told him that they announced his baptism in our meeting. his face was so smiley. aw man. He's so excited!! :)
10. I love learning new things every day. Today's "new thing" was...
learning why consecrated oil is called 'consecrated' oil! Thanks to Elder Dearden!! also. I discovered last transfer what a 'selfie' was. Did we, as humans, really give a name to when we take a picture of ourselves? wow. so funny. that one was learned from Elder Rowley! haha, who knew...
11. Sister Edwards and I loved...
being in a bus area this week for 3 days!!! oh my goodness. so great. it took me back to days in London. ah London. how I love that land. :)
12. I get so excited when...
I talk with people who have previously met with missionaries in another country. I met someone from Wales who is here, in Mississauga, for cancer research. I began to talk with him and he said that he was really good friends with Elder Boysen and Elder....I forgot, in Wales. But yeah, he said that they were sharing with him exactly what I was sharing and it was such a blessing to know that no matter where you go, in whatever land and in whatever language, the message of the 85,000+ missionaries is all the same! Said differently and tailored to individuals needs, but the same! :) I LOVE the restored Gospel! *he's unable to meet due to his schedule to cancer research but he said he'll try to come to church sometime. we sure hope so!
13. Speaking of excited, I could hardly wait to tell you about...
the one time when I said hello and goodbye to a polish lady in polish and she was so proud of me and only THEN accepted a pass-along card! haha It's true, when you connect with people, they are more open! My goal is to learn "hello" and "goodbye" in 25 languages, and that's a small number for how many languages there are here in this mission! right now I have spanish, polish, odoo (Nigerian), Tagalog, Twee, and Mandarin. 6 down, and 19 more to go! I only started this 2 weeks ago so I'll reach my goal in no time! :)
14. If I could describe today in THREE WORDS, they would be....
sister edwards says, and I quote, "HAPPY GO LUCKY!" eyup. let's go with that. ;)
15. Since tomorrow will, once again, end in "514", our plan to "find 5" is....
well...have a lot of referrals present at our lessons, because we have MLC (mission leadership council) tomorrow til mid afternoon and then appointments for the rest of the evening so we'll need some referrals! :) love 514. :)
16. My favorite teaching moment was....
Bradley. hands down. :) He's just so excited to read from the Book of Mormon stories and follow Christ's example! The Spirit is so strong when he speaks, it's such a blessing to be teaching him!
17. My testimony was strengthened as....
one of my prayers was answered yesterday during our ward conference's ward council. I won't go into details, but just know that God truly does answer every prayer, no matter how small you think it is! :)
18. I am so grateful for...
buses! and cars! :)
Serge, who works at a car shop we're trying to share the gospel with :)
Family History
the incredible leaders in our ward and stake
Uncle Bob Pepin :)
Well, I need to head out, but please know how much I love you all!! This Gospel is so true, every part of it! There is no greater work than that of our Father in Heaven's, and I testify that that is true! The Bible and the Book of Mormon are scripture from our Father in Heaven "These last records, which thou hast seen among the Gentiles, shall establish the truth of the first which are of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, and shall make known the plain and precious things which have been taken away from them; and shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father, and the Savior of the world; and that all men must come unto him, or they cannot be saved. and they must come according to the words which shall be established by the mouth of the Lamb; and the words of the lamb shall be made known in the records of thy (Nephi) seed, as well as in the records of the twelve apostles of the Lamb; wherefore they both shall be established in one; for there is one God and one Shepherd over all the earth." 1 Nephi 13;40-41 This work is true, and oh, how great is our calling!!!
Love for now and for ever,
Sister De Groot :)
Missionary Invitation: There is a reason the Church is focusing more on Family History Work, because it's apart of the Hastening of the Work of Salvation. So go to and update your family! and also, mom, thank you so much for the story of your grandma, could I have more stories and memories of your grandpa and daddio, from yours as well? :) Thanks! love you all!!