Mum, PahPea, family and friends!!!
That one time when EVERY day I love being a missionary!!!!
mmhmm. eyup. it's awesome. :) It was such an incredible week, serving the Lord
here in London!:) I'll just jump in with the week by saying that we began
teaching a beautiful family of 4!!! The father of the family was actually
baptized when he was 14 in Mexico City but because of an accident, he lost most
of his memory and lives away from his family so he lost all contact with the
Church. After we taught them, he said he could remember the feelings he had
before and something about wanting to go on a mission and go to the temple! It
was so inspiring to see the Holy Ghost work in him as we sat with him!! His
wife, Alli, is SUCH a sweetheart! She's incredibly interested in the Church and
LOVES that we are inviting her to find out for herself. She's a latter-day
Joseph Smith, wanting to find the truth by visiting hundreds of churches, but
hasn't felt like she's found it quite yet. When we taught them this past week,
we just watched as the Spirit spoke to Alli and her husband Jaime, telling
them that this is the path they need to take. Thank Heavens for the Spirit, for
if it was me teaching alone, I would have no success whatsoever! They also have
a sweet 5 year old boy Anthony who told us he wants to serve a mission like us
one day!!! :) Oh sweet, eh? oh and they have a 9 year old Abby who was at her
grandparents this weekend but she prays everyday and loves the Bible, so we're
going to teach her as well!!!:) Seeing how excited their family got, to hear
about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, made me SO incredibly
grateful for the family and friends I have that support me every day while I am
here in Canada. To all of YOU! Thank you
so much for being so incredible!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!!!!:)
Feel loved? Good! now let's jump into QUESTION TIME!!!:)
1. Have you seen
(or talked with) Elder Harrs yet?
I have actually! He was at our stake conference this past Sunday
and he gave me a message from Mum that said "I love you to the moon and more...or something....I don't remember, sorry." :) LOVE
YOU TOO MOM!!!:) message for his mom: he's doing just great! We'll watch over
him here in London, ON! It's a great city to be born in and he'll love it!
Don't worry about him, he's got incredible missionaries around him and an
AWESOME companion!
2. How excited
are you about my finding your mittens? :0)
BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may or may not have
jumped up and down out of excitement!!!:) Thank you so so so much! they will
definitely be needed next winter!:) Thanks a TON!
3. Which
Conference Talk do you want to share this week?
I'll be honest, I don't remember who said it, but someone said
to make your testimony visible daily; post it on facebook, on twitter, or
whatever social network you are apart of, make it known, spread the truth! I
have been thinking a lot about growing up in the Church, personally, I never
shared the gospel with anyone outside the church, I didn't know how, and this
is one of the simplest ways it could possibly be done! I dunno how she'll feel
if I call her out, but I adore her so much, I hope she'll be ok with
it...Michelle Radmall! This girl is SOOOO good at sharing her testimony all the
time! I remember checking facebook at night and seeing Michelle's sweet
thoughts and lessons from either herself, her family, or the Prophet on her
status at the end each day. Even as a member of the Church, I learned
incredible lessons from her little thoughts each night that made me want to be
a better person. Just imagine being a nonmember, reading something your best
friend puts up about being a better person, and where you can go to get life
questions answered and who you can turn to to be calmed from your worries! They
have a desire to get those answers, but they don't know where to turn. Help
guide them, it's a simple, nonthreatening way to share the Gospel, and the
apostles have invited us to use it to share it constantly. So, don't be shy!:)
4. Glad to read
that you were able to talk with Eloid. Is he STILL in Toronto?
yes. we have been reassured from calling that he is reading The
Book of Mormon, but boy Toronto won't let him go! soon. hopefully very soon!:)
5. How is
Samantha feeling?
Better, we gave her a goal to work towards the 26th of May for
baptism, and she accepted. She knows she'll have to work very hard in order to
be prepared for that day, but she knows she has to be the one to put in the
effort, so she's going to try. She's going through a lot right now, but we know
with the Lord by her side, she will succeed! Thank Heavens for His strength
that He never withholds if we but ask for help. Why do it alone, when you have
an all powerful Father who is ready to help, simply waiting for you to ask?
6. What about
Kim? (she sounds like a sweetheart!!)
she definitely is! Kim is being attacked, just like we suspected
because she already knows it's true. her parents are going through a divorce
and fighting constantly, even at the time we were going to teach her, and she
was incredibly embarassed and didn't feel like meeting at that time, poor girl.
Please keep her sweet spirit in your prayers, please, she will definitely feel
of them, we know she will! Thank you so much.
7. FAVORITE moment
of the week...
that one time, on the bus, when I started telling someone about
the Restoration and the Book of Mormon, and she kept looking at this guy who
was listening at the front of the bus who was also looking at a lady in the
back of the bus who was listening. So yeah, I taught 3 people at the same time
throughout the WHOLE bus! haha it was a really quiet bus and you know how I
talk loud, right? well s zerkle said she just stopped trying to contact people
while I was talking because everyone was looking at me, so she listened as well
because she was also in the back of the bus. haha SO asides from that, our
lesson with the family of 4, the Myers family, that was definitely the
moment of the week...
you know how I thought I wouldn't be awkward if someone hugged
me or something? yeah, no. I'm totally awkward, because that happened this
week! so...We went to a funeral for a sister of a member in the ward who had a
son. Afterwards, he thanked us for coming and helping with the music, and
wished us a good day by giving us a hand shake. But then he says "ah,
forget handshakes, I'm a hugger!" and gives me this HUGE hug! I mean, I
understand his mom passed away, but apparently my eyes went HUGE!!! I didn't
know what to do!!! S. Zerkle said that my eyes went as big as scratch off of
ice age's eyes. so just in case you're wondering, your daughter is SOOO awkward
as a missionary. eyup. well...I'm sure you already called it....but here's
proof. hope you enjoyed imagining it! ;)
COMPANION moment of the week... (laughed out loud about the boots!!!)
haha ah that one time when s Zerkle and I were walking
on the street in the sunshine and as happy as can be! When out of nowhere, S
Zerkle body slams into me and says "FLASH MOB!" stops and says
"wait no. BODY SLAM!!!" haha man. reitereating that wasn't really
that funny. but I thought it was funny. :)
well, my loves, it is time for me to depart. Please don't ever
forget that of which you know to be true! In the Book of Mormon, how many times
did the Nephites fall into sin because they got too comfortable and thought
they were "safe" so they ceased reading and learning from the written
word? Please don't ever suppose that you are "safe", for Satan is
real and knows you. Continue to do the things that will bring you closer to our
Father in Heaven, for not until we are in His presence again are we truly safe!
Satan will attempt to distract you, but be comforted in the Lord's promise that
as you serve Him, he will have NO power over you! I know this Gospel is true,
and that Joseph Smith was, indeed, a true prophet! In Stake Conference
yesterday, Elder Nolan G. Archibald came and spoke on many aspects of the
Gospel, and focused on the Truth of Joseph Smith saying this; "Joseph Smith
was either one of 3 things.
1. He was a deceiver.
2. He deceived himself. or
3. He told the Truth.
Number 1 is ridiculous, for he was persecuted from age 14-32
until he was murdered.
Number 2 would only make sense if those who read the Book of
Mormon did not feel a thing, and if the Book didn't inspire men to be better
than they are. but alas, it does!
That only leads one more option…
Ending with what Elder Holland said in General Conference a year
ago "No wicked man could write such a book as this, and no man would write
it, unless it were true, and he were commanded of God to do so."
I love this Gospel so much and thank all of you for inspiring me
to strengthen my testimony each and every day! I love you all!!!!
Love for now and forever,
Sister De Groot:)
MIssionary Invitation: See the answer to question #3, above :)
P.S. to Karl -
so sorry Karl, I really do love you!!!! so... happy belated birthday!!!!!!:) I
love you lots and lots and hope you had an AWESOME day!!!! Love ya, goober! ;)
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