Monday, May 5, 2014

1 Nephi 17:8-10

Mum, PahPea, Family and Friends!

Hello sunshines!! I hope this letter finds all of you happy and well! I am doing so, for Christ lives and this Church is true, so really, nothing else matters! :) I am so happy to hear about the safe arrival of sweet little Marshall Scott! Welcome to mortality, kiddo, it's pretty great! :) He's just the cutest thing in the whole wide world! It's crazy to see their family picture, for the last time I saw them, there were 6 in the family and know there are 8!! CRAZY!! haha I'm so proud of you, Erin! Congratulations!

Also, how about a shout out to todays birthday boy....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY-BUDDY!!! it being sweet cinco de mayo, I would like to treat you to cafe rio (well...I would if I was there...) because mexican food here is really just not as great as it is there, so I would like to treat you to that! :) ok, I'll actually treat you in the future, but not now. we'll celebrate then, mmm k? :) I hope you have the greatest birthday in the whole wide world!!! I love you!!


1.  Do you know a Sister Howle (serving in your mission) from Texas?
sure do! I'm going on exchanges with her in 2 weeks! :)
2.  Any message for your new nephew, Marshall Scott Hooley?
Welcome welcome, little one! Truly born of goodly parents!! :)
3.  Any message for Michael, celebrating his 27th today?
look above :)
p.s. I'll eat cake over here, just for you! :)
4.  What about a message for Bill/Whitney, celebrating their 8th anniversary tomorrow (6th)?
8th wedding anniversary!!?? crazy! I'm so happy for you two, I seriously look up to you both so much! thanks for being incredible, keep on being wonderful, you two!!! :) Love you!!! Congratulations!
5.  Finally, any words of wisdom for Tanner Wheadon who gets married this weekend?
wow...crazy!! CONGRATULATIONS Tanner!!!!! SO happy for you two, I hope the day is just wonderful for the two of you!! also. brother whooley says hi! He remembers you from forever ago here in mississauga :)
6.  MOTHER's DAY phone you have any specifics for me?  (What number to call/skype (do we get to skype again?!?), what time, etc.  FYI - we have church from 9am-noon....that's 11am-2pm your time)
We're planning on doing it at 6 our time. We'll have the individual contact you and make specifics, it's our bishop, he's pretty great :) and yes, we get to skype again :):) see you then!! *weird....:)
7  Are you nearly as excited to talk to me as I am to talk to you?!?
haha sure am mom!!! :)
8.  How is Sharlene progressing?  Sharaya?
SUPER sick, but she is reading and praying, please keep praying for them both
9.  What is the update with Alyssia?
Her mom wasn't very happy that she let strangers in. (us). so she said that they'll read on their own for now and then see if they'd like us back. they will in the future, we have full faith. it was a blessing we were able to meet with just her so that we would be allowed to share a message with her and help her understand our message of truth and finding that out for ourselves. Miracles are continuing to happen each and every day in their lives!! It's incredible to be a witness of it!
10.  Any more info on her mom, uncle, and whether or not her dad had ever been baptized?
not yet...working on it! :)

11.  I had the most incredible feeling come over me when...
We contacted a sweet man whose wife is in the hospital battling cancer. Our Father truly knows us individually and loves us as such, let us pray for each other and then serve each other constantly, for we do not know what's going on in each others lives until we become invested in them! Love all! :)
12.  My favorite study session of the week centered on...
Accepting and doing the Lord's will. which is why I chose 1 Nephi 17:8-10 today. It stuck out to me that the Lord commanded Nephi to build a ship and Nephi did not question how that would be possible to say "Heavenly Father, you're asking a lot of me" or think he was inadequate. rather, he responded by asking where he needed to go to find the tools to construct this ship. Why are we not more like this? we truly can respond without feelings of inadequacy, hesitancy, we can respond with firm faith and trust in the Lord that He WILL show us where we need to go to find the tools needed to accomplish that which He commands us. Faith and trust goes a long way, even to the parting of the Red Sea.
13.  This week's exchanges included....(where).....(and with whom)....
both here with Sister Bradshaw and Hermana Ramirez! :)
14.  After emailing, Sister Stoddard and I plan to....
Clean the Car, shop, go to the office for some supplies and excitement, and probably eat at some time. because I can hear both of our stomachs right now... :)
15.  "Companion Bonding" this week brought to you by....
a giant Jamaican centipede at 6:33 in the morning, a bleach spray bottle, boots and duct tape to ensure we don't scream and wake up our landlord. good times. :)
16.  Since "laughter is good for the soul", I laughed so hard when....
we finally killed the centipede and realized how ridiculous we looked. :)
17.  A goal I am working on is....
to be like Nephi, and never question what the Lord puts in my path. Become a Christlike missionary in all aspects of the work! for I LOVE this work!!! :)
18.  I couldn't believe it when....
I realized I now have 13 nieces and nephews. I'm old, eh? :)
19.  I am so grateful for....
duct tape. truly comes in handy :)
packages getting to my parents in time for mothers day :)
Christlike Attributes
trials. really. I am. never thought I'd say that....

Well, I'm off but please know that I love you dearly! This Gospel is true, I know it is! I have felt countless times in my heart the reality of the this message. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, standing side by side, as 2 different distinct beings. Don't doubt it for a second, it happened. I know my Savior Lives! and He is the one watching over this work! I love it here every day, the joy and the tears alike! I know this is true, how GREAT is our calling!! :)

Love for now and for ever,
Sister De Groot :)

Missionary Invitation: The Spirit works in many different ways to teach us of truth and to use us as tools to aid in the Lord's work. My favorite text to read to help understand how He works with us is in PMG page 89-91, chapter 4. It's incredible. I'd like to invite you to read it and to record your impressions of how He speaks directly to you. 


centipede. ew.
my posterity of sister training leaders :)
sister hansen. i just love her! :)

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